Promoting your content with The Wash House
On this page are two ways you can promote your group or event with The Wash House - on The Wash House socials and the e-newsletter which goes out once a month on XXX.
If you are using your own Instagram feeds to post to and you would like add The Wash House as a collaborator please do using @portobello.washhouse. We accept reposts that are about events, information and news.
Please email content by Monday mornings 9am if you would like info posted that week. And please format content the following way for easy copy/pasting of info and so The Wash House has a design style that helps people recognise content
Get your info on The Wash House Socials: Facebook and/or Instagram
Please email with the following information and please use the format.
Group / Event title:
Contact (if relevant):
Instagram handles:
Do you want to be invited as a collaborator?
Facebook handles:
Contact for Wash House if needed:
Info for both Socials and E-newsletter?
Attach one to four images. Notes about prepping content for social platforms is below.
Email this info to: with the subject ‘For Wash House Socials’
Please give 7 days before you would like something posted.
Get your info listed in
The Wash House Line
Please email with the following information and please use the format.
Group / Event title:
Contact (if relevant):
Instagram handles:
Do you want to be invited as a collaborator?
Facebook handles:
Contact for Wash House if needed:
Info for both Socials and E-newsletter?
Attach one to four images. Notes about prepping content for social platforms is below.
Email this info to: with the subject ‘For e-newsletter’
The e-newsletter goes out the 1st day of the month. Please send your info by 15th of the previous month.
Sending graphics, photos or videos.
If images are taken on your phone and you would like them to be part of an instagram post or reel. Please remember the format is best vertical.
When emailing posters you’ve made for your event or group please consider the best aspect ratio which is 4:5.
When emailing videos for reels best practice is use aspect ratio which is 16:9, ie. record vertical from your phone.
ratio 4:5
1080px by 1350px
ratio 9:16
1080px by 1920px